Thursday, August 27, 2009

Update, August 26

Just a little mini-update tonight. Allison said her white blood count was low at her normal checkup today and she got antibiotics in addition to a shot, and she gets another shot tomorrow. These shots help regulate her white blood count. This is normal with chemotherapy, killing white blood cells along with cancer cells is par for the course, which is why her blood count is so often checked. Aside from that, Allison reports feeling OK, all things considered. She is tired a lot, and definitely has her better times of day. She finds she does better if she has small meals and snacks throughout the day. Keeping her energy up helps in fighting the fatigue.

The kids are all enjoying their last week of summer vacation, with Kirk taking time off this week to share in some family activities. Starting with her next chemotherapy treatment on September 8, her chemo treatments will be moving to Tuesdays instead of Wednesdays (which is a short day in the Bellevue School District).

Thank you for all the phone calls, messages, and service. It is such a blessing to Allison and the entire Davis family.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Update, August 21

Allison had her second chemotherapy treatment on Wednesday of this week, and returned on Thursday and again today to have a shot that helps her maintain her white blood count (as those get attacked by the chemo along with the cancer cells). She now totally "gets" what the doctors were telling her about each subsequent chemo treatment being a little more difficult, as more and more cells are killed. This time, she has felt a lot more wiped out. "Wasted" is the word she used. So far, though, she has not been very nauseated, which is good. Hopefully the no-nausea trend will continue.

All is going well, though. Thanks for all your kind words, prayers, and the many acts of service that have already been performed.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Update, August 8

Allison has had a quiet week, continuing to recover from her first dose of chemotherapy. She had her blood tested again this week and "all the numbers" came back above average, which is good. She said they tested for a bunch of things, but one of the things tested for was her white blood count. She got another shot this week to help keep her white blood count up. Chemo tends to wipe out white blood cells as it attacks the cancer.

Allison says that some days are good and others she is really tired. Thursday was one of those "really tired" days, she says, but today is better. It just comes and goes. It may be this way through the entire course of treatment.

She is grateful for all the friends who have taken the kids for play dates and other adventures. Keeping them entertained has been a great help. And, she is also grateful for all the wonderful meals that have been brought in.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The First Weekend After Chemo

I talked with Allison this afternoon and she sounds really good. Aside from not wanting much to eat yesterday and feeling tired, she's been feeling pretty good after this first chemo treatment, and her appetite came back today and she enjoyed a good lunch. Let's hope that this will be her usual reaction to the chemo!